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Friday, 02 December 2022 13:12

Register to Vote - Information Schedules

PIOC are pleased to announce that we are holding "clinics", to inform local residents about how to register to vote in the municipal elections in 2023.
The venues and times are as follows:
Monday - SPORTS BAR (Playa Flamenca Centre) 2.30pm
Tuesday - EMERALD ISLE (La Florida) 11am
Tuesday - DI STEPHANOS (La Zenia) 2pm
Wednesday - LIME BAR (Via Park 3) 2pm
Thursday - RUMOURS (Citrus Centre) 3pm
Friday - LEESON STREET (Rioja Centre) 11am

You won't have a choice if you don't have a voice!

Registering to vote isn't as complicated or scary as you may think, and we will be on hand to guide you through the process.
Our aim is simply to help everyone who has the right to vote registers before the deadline which is 15th January 2023 for non-EU residents and 31st January 2023 for EU residents.
On behalf of everyone at PIOC, we of course thank all the venues who have kindly set aside the time and space to facilitate these public information drop-in clinics.

Keep checking PIOC`s Facebook page for more information and more schedules in the following weeks to come.


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